Executive Masters in Geographic Information System

Department of Geography

Programme Objectives
  • This Executive Master of GIS programme is intended to help rectify the problem relating to land and environmental resources management for sustainable development. Graduates of the programmes would be able to fill existing gaps in public places. They should also be able to set up consultancy units on their own to tap the vastly expanding GIS markets in Nigeria and in the rest of Africa;;
  • produce high grade professionals in Geographic Information System for national development;
  • enhance capacity and capability for research development in Geospatial Information Science;
  • Foster the development of industrial establishment and public enterprises;
  • equip graduates of relevant disciplines with adequate technical and management capabilities in geospatial information science for self-employment.
Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy all the general admission requirements of the University with evidence of NYSC and shall be:

  • A graduate of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, in any of the following disciplines: Surveying & Geoinformatics, Sciences, EDM, Engineering/Technology, Geography, Demography & Social Statistics, and others who may require expertise in Geo-Information Science;
  • A graduate of any other approved University; or a person who holds professional qualifications recognized by the Senate of the University;
  • Admission may depend on satisfactory performance at the admission test administered by the Department/CDL/University;
  • The applicant shall normally possess a minimum of Second Class (Lower Division) Honours degree to be eligible for admission. However, candidates with third class but with at least 3 years post qualification experience may be considered under certain conditions which include:
  • possession of postgraduate diploma degree in Remote Sensing and GIS or any cognate discipline; and/or
  • possession of professional qualifications/membership of such institutes as Surveyors Council of Nigeria (SURCON), Town Planning Registration Council of Nigeria, Estate Surveyors Registration Board of Nigeria, Nigerian Institution of Surveyors (NIS), Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP), Nigerian Institute of Architects, Nigerian Society of Engineers, Nigerian Institute of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV), and such other recognized professional institutes. Entry requirements into any of these institutes must satisfy those for admission into first degree programmes of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
  • candidates must meet the screening requirements of the Postgraduate College

The duration of the course is two academic sessions covering four contact periods of intensive course-work leading to the writing of a Long Essay.

Degree to be Offered

Master of Geographic Information System (M.GIS)

Mode of Study

Face to face. (Weekend Lectures)

How to Apply

Application are made online, click here to review the steps involved when applying.

Apply Here